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Fisher Barton + LiquidPlanner | Customer Stories

Fisher Barton Gains Foothold on Project Time

Fisher Barton - Manufacturing
“Because of the design of LiquidPlanner, it was easy to get everyone else up to speed on how to use it properly.”
R&D Engineer, Fisher Barton

Fisher Barton + LiquidPlanner

When an Engineering and R&D team within a new entity at Fisher Barton couldn’t properly plan or track project time, they experienced:

  • unclear resource distribution and utilization
  • lack of value and use of existing PM software
  • difficulty in ensuring evolving plans were visible to management

Without finding a new and successful software to implement, it’s said that elements of the project management process would have been ignored, which would likely lead to untrustworthy schedules, inaccurate accounting, and ultimately an opportunity for poor business decisions. It became evident that this team within Fisher Barton needed a new project management tool that could easily manage their complex research and development needs and detailed project plans while keeping track of time and progress. That’s when they found LiquidPlanner.