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Getting Your Team to Yes Webinar | LiquidPlanner

Getting Your Team to Yes Webinar

Tired of no decisions being made with new tools for your company? Check out our webinar with LiquidPlanner expert Emily Bestor, where she will walk you through the most common objectives to investing in project management software and how to combat those obstacles!

Whether you are interested in getting a new tool or need to convince your team to keep an existing tool, we’ll share tips that we’ve seen successful customers use. We will also provide the tools and suggestions we use at LiquidPlanner to help you get to a “yes” decision from your leadership team!

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The common objectives when pitching PM software to executives
  • Talking points and resources to combat those objectives
  • How to use an ROI calculator to include numbers in your pitch

Your Hosts:

Emily Bestor, Sales Engineer, LiquidPlanner

Emily Smith, Marketing Manager, LiquidPlanner