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How S Phase Collaborates using LiquidPlanner Dashboards | LiquidPlanner

How S Phase Collaborates using LiquidPlanner Dashboards

This webinar features a LiquidPlanner expert and Dashboards superfan – Gina Rosen, PMO Director at S Phase, LLC. Gina shares how dashboards are used at S Phase to collaborate more effectively with their internal stakeholders, team members and clients. If you’re new to using Dashboards, you’ll learn some great tips on how to make the most of your Dashboards.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • S Phase experienced a lot of inefficiencies and struggles that they realized could be solved by using LiquidPlanner Dashboards
  • Tips on how to get the most out of your dashboards
  • Look at 3 S Phase Dashboards and discuss the ways they have used them to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders, and how it has helped them with their business.