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Self-Driving Cars, Robots, and Innovative Companies | LiquidPlanner

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Friday Roundup: Self-Driving Cars, Robots, and the Most Innovative Companies

Innovative Company | LiquidPlanner

There’s no doubt we’re entering a fascinating time for industry and in history. Self-driving cars are being built and tested as we speak; robots and automated processes are replacing mundane human effort—and making way for us to do more innovative work with our brains. There are so many new ways to imagine ourselves at work and in the future. Here’s a look at what’s making the news and what we’re inventing for ourselves to stay up with it all!

Why Big Firms Are More Likely to Innovate – Harvard Business Review

Large organizations get knocked for being complacent in their success and failing to be innovative. But it’s not necessarily true—nor does it have to be. The authors make some interesting points based on research. For example, there are two important components that inspire innovation: when a company’s technology has fallen behind; and when the company is still in a position of strength. Furthermore, to stay innovative, the best thing a firm can do is to go against the saying, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Fix, fix, and look for new ways to fix. Because by the time it is broken, it could be too late.

What You Need to Know About Robot Software Developers Small Business Trends

The robots are coming! Well, let’s think this through. This article looks at how and why software teams are leveraging a process called continuous delivery. When it comes to fixing bugs and testing programs, using an automated process is a much better use of humans’ time than having individuals do this work manually. It’s a system that lets people do more of the work that moves businesses forward. Read more to find out what this means for business leaders, especially in the Internet of Things industry.

10 Top Bots for The Office Worker  VentureBeat

As the average work week increases—up to 47 hours according to one survey—people are looking for ways to streamline their efforts. From improving communication skills to an automated executive assistant, here are 10 bots that are winning popular approval for their time-saving abilities. Use and prosper!

Tesla Hastens Self-Driving Future as New Models Add Hardware Industry Week

You can’t expect Elon Musk to have his eyes on Mars and NOT want to have one of the first self-driving cars on the road. This week he announced plans for Tesla to do a drive from Los Angeles to New York without the need of a single touch between human and car.

The Most Innovative Companies of 2016 Fast Company

What does an innovative company look like? What challenges do they face? If you’re curious to know which companies are successfully pushing the edges of convention, Fast Company has a list for you. Each company’s profile includes their chief innovating factor; their challenge and their competitive advantage.


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