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What We’re Reading This Week: A Peek Into Creative Genius, Productivity and More | LiquidPlanner

The blog for passionate planners

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What We’re Reading This Week: A Peek Into Creative Genius, Productivity and More

What we're reading

Every week we bring you the best of what we’re reading from around the web. This week’s stories center on speed, efficiency, working well with others and there’s an intriguing piece on how a Harvard Business School professor studied Pixar’s formula to rethink leadership and innovation. I hope these posts bring you a bit of joy and insight into getting the most out of your day. Happy reading!

This Professor Teaches Pixar’s Approach to Creative Genius –

How to Double Your Writing Speed –  Huffington Post 

It’s Time to Stop Trying to Do It All –

4 Soft Skills You Need to Work on, and Why –

Why Managers and Staff Have Very Different Ideas About Open Offices– Fast Company

7 Time-Saving Ways to Automate Your Everyday Tasks – Fast Company


Bonus Story! Our most read blog post of the week:

How to Motivate Your Team to Track Time

Like what you read? Have suggestions? Let us know in the comments.


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