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Hot List: To-Do Lists | LiquidPlanner

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Hot List: To-Do Lists


We love them, we hate them, we need them. To-do lists. Many of us wrestle with our methods, and most of us flirt with reinventing our productivity techniques on a regular basis. What’s the very best way to manage all my work? What’s the best way for me?

Here’s a list of five creative, kooky and enlightening links that explore the great debate of The Ultimate To-Do list. You might 1) pick up a new trick or two; 2) discover you’re already doing a great job, or 3) get a fun history lesson.

1.How to hack your to-do list (and quiet the monkeys in your mind)

A short, fun visual interview with David Allen about why to-do lists quiet our inner monkeys.

Excerpt:The big secret about getting things done is it’s not really about getting things done.”

2. Brief History of the To-Do List and the Psychology of Its Success

What we can learn from Ben Franklin’s to-do lists, and more juicy anecdotes and studies from The Atlantic.

Excerpt: Franklin . . . demonstrated one of the greatest pitfalls of the to-do list: trying to do too much at once . . . “

3. Leonardo Da Vinci’s To-Do List
What does a history-impacting to-do list look like?  This article, from Bit Rebels, actually shows Da Vinci’s list.

Excerpt: leo

4. Getting Creative Things Done: How to Fit Hard Thinking Into a Busy Schedule

Strategies for the right-brain thinkers and doers out there, from 99U. Sneak peak: process is king, and your castle is built on blocks of time.

Excerpt: “When you focus on process, your mind is free to follow the path most important to eventually producing high-quality output.

5. How to Write an Effective To-Do List
Includes historical anecdotes of list-making (why, hello Charles Schwab!), a take on procrastination and other to-do list wisdoms and tips from Pscyh Central.

Excerpt:The to-do list has become a daily necessity in modern life, but it’s not exactly a tool that makes you more productive.”

How do you juggle your to-do’s? If you have a clever method, share in the Comments box.


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