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Hot List: Your Brilliant Career | LiquidPlanner

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Hot List: Your Brilliant Career

We all eventually learn the truth. There’s a lot more to a successful career than stepping on the escalator to your first job and then riding it to the top floor. There are ups, downs, set-backs, heartbreaks, burnouts, recessions and booms – as well as high points that are unexpected and fantastic.


Here are 7 links to articles and talks that cover the gamut of how we think about our work lives and prosper in all the right ways.

How to Make Your Own Luck

This Brain Pickings articles investigates how people can play a good hand to their advantage.

Why You Need to Fail to Have a Great Career

In this hilarious, popular TEDxUW talk, economist Larry Smith challenges all the crazy and popular excuses many of us use to keep from pursing work we really, really want to do. He calls for people to get out of their own way and at least try.

Manage Your Career Before It Manages You: 10 Tips

This intriguing Financial Post articles is a practical and insightful guide to being the leader of your career, no matter whether you’re riding a wave of success or you just got laid off.

How to Find Your Element

In this RSA Anime short, Sir Ken Robinson talks about how a society built on diversity helps individuals find their unique talents and purpose.

10 Tips for Managing Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Career

This article from Brazen Careerist looks at managing your work life as you would your financial investments.

Are Funny People More Successful in Business?

Does comedy really get you ahead? According to this article, “If someone is using humor then they are connecting with people and building relationships, which creates opportunities . . . ” The trick is to use humor successfully, which this article delves into. To hone your humor, read 8 Tips for Using Workplace Humor.

25 Tips to Avoid Career Burnout

You can have your dream job and still lose your mojo. This Bloomberg Businessweek slideshow gives some great tips on how to get re-energized, such as: socialize, emulate and become an industry force. Find one tip that speaks to you, and get back into the game with new energy.

What’s worked for you? Share your career wisdom in the comments box – we want to hear from you!


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