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Q&A With Amanda Pike, LiquidPlanner’s Online Marketing Manager | LiquidPlanner

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Q&A With Amanda Pike, LiquidPlanner’s Online Marketing Manager


When Amanda Pike joined the Marketing team, we didn’t skip a beat. Energetic, sharp and ready to dive into some of the cultural topics we like to bat around from time to time, Amanda is taking our email campaigns to the next level. (She might not tell you, but we’re excited about her training for the Emerald Cup Bodybuilding Competition this May. We’re rooting for her!) Read on to see how Amanda starts her day (refreshingly honest); how she spends her workdays, and get some really brilliant interview advice.

LiquidPlanner: Briefly describe an average work day for you at LiquidPlanner:

Amanda: As an Online Marketing Manager, my main focus is on email marketing for LiquidPlanner. I am responsible for creating, executing and reporting on all email campaigns sent to current customers—trial customers, prospects, and more. An average workday for me consists of collaborating with my team on projects, brainstorming future campaign ideas, reviewing email performance, and researching the latest trends in email marketing.

How did you know LiquidPlanner was the perfect fit for you?

I saw the genuine enthusiasm and passion the team had for their work during the interview process. Everyone truly seemed excited about LiquidPlanner and their specific roles within the company. I’ve been looking for a position where I was surrounded by people who loved their jobs and this is totally it. Also, the delicious snacks and team lunches didn’t hurt either!

How do you stay productive and focused during the day?

If I need a break during the day I like to check out marketing blogs for inspiration and interesting insights. My favorite blogs include Hubspot, Vertical Response, Moz and LiquidPlanner, of course!

What do you appreciate the most in your co-workers?

From the moment I stepped into the office on my first day, my co-workers have been extremely warm and welcoming! That means so much to a new employee. I also really appreciate everyone’s humor and how we can all talk at length about the silliest of topics (favorite types of apples, for example). 🙂

Do you have a ritual or routine to the start of your workday?

I’d love to say that every morning I wake up early, go for a run, and make a hearty breakfast before leaving for work, but let’s be real—ain’t nobody got time for that! I’m usually racing to get out the door, but once I get into the office, I like to start my workday by reading email and checking any new tasks or comments I received in the LiquidPlanner workspace.

Your idea of happiness at work is:

Continual learning, along with being inspired and motivated by my peers and mentors.

What book(s) have you enjoyed the most?

Even though I was about seven years late in reading them, I loved all of the Harry Potter books! I also really enjoyed The Help by Kathryn Stockett (it was even better than the movie and the movie was pretty great).

Interview tips for anyone looking for a job right now?

Never use the exact same resume when applying to different jobs. I suggest re-ordering your job history,  accomplishments and duties so the most immediately relevant information appears first. I also suggest adding in phrases wherever possible that tie your previous experiences to the position you’re hiring for.  Make it easy for the hiring managers to find what they need and to connect the dots for why you are a perfect fit!

A few things you do outside the office?

Exercise, watch addicting television on Hulu (Empire and How to Get Away with Murder are my current favorites), cheer on the Seahawks, and dream about tropical vacations.


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